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29 November 2021 - 3 December 2021
Brussels, Belgium
European Hydrogen Week 2021

B2B Meetings - How does it work?

A matchmaking event is a quick and easy way to meet potential cooperation partners in face-2-face talks. 20 minutes run fast but it is enough to build first connections before the bell rings and the next talk starts.

1) Registration

  • Register via the green "Register now" button
  • In case you want to publish offers/requests and manage 1:1 meetings on-site read more below.

2) Publish a business profile to showcase your needs

Create a clear and concise business profile to raise your visibility on this platform.
Your profile should describe who you are, what you can offer to potential partners and who you want to meet.
A good profile will generate significantly more meeting requests. Your profile will be visible before, during and after the event.

3) Browse profiles of attendees

Find out who is offering interesting and promising business opportunities

4) Send & receive meeting requests

Be active not reactive. Browse published participants profiles and send meeting requests to those you want to meet at the event. Adding a meaningful remark why you are interested in a meeting will increase the chance that your request will be accepted. Usually, accepted meeting requests will be scheduled automatically. Thus you have immediate access to time and location of a meeting.

Booking rules?

  • Everybody can send meeting requests to everyone
  • Incoming meeting requests have to be accepted to be scheduled

5) Matchmaking Event

  • Shortly before the event you will receive your meeting schedule by email.
  • A paper version may also be handed out at the registration desk.
  • TIP: Download the "b2match" mobile app (iOS/Android) to
    * get access to your meeting schedule on your mobile phone
    * be informed about last-minute changes (bookings, cancellations)
    * manage additional meetings on-site (send/receive/confirm requests)

B2B Meetings - A short youtube intro


Brussels, Belgium
Organised by
Participants 660
Meetings 215
Belgium 341
Germany 283
Spain 192
Italy 158
France 138
Netherlands 120
United Kingdom 118
Türkiye 89
Austria 61
Portugal 47
Norway 47
Estonia 44
Greece 31
Japan 27
Poland 26
Denmark 23
Sweden 23
Finland 21
United States 20
Switzerland 19
Luxembourg 19
Ukraine 16
Australia 14
Ireland 13
Bulgaria 13
Slovenia 10
Romania 10
Croatia 10
Slovakia 9
Lithuania 9
China 9
Czech Republic 9
South Korea 8
Chile 8
Israel 8
Hungary 7
Brazil 7
Colombia 5
South Africa 5
China (Hong Kong) 4
Russia 4
India 4
Canada 4
Peru 3
United Arab Emirates 3
Iceland 3
Egypt 2
Morocco 2
Thailand 2
Namibia 2
Afghanistan 1
Singapore 1
Cyprus 1
Philippines 1
Serbia 1
Latvia 1
Saudi Arabia 1
Kenya 1
Malta 1
Jordan 1
Algeria 1
Uruguay 1
Taiwan 1
Mexico 1
Argentina 1
Total 2065
Academia, R&D institution 396
Manufacturer 316
Other 242
Consulting (business, tax, legal) 166
Association/Agency 142
Government 130
Service provider (design, engineering, IT) 120
Project site developer/Plant engineering 113
EU Institutions 112
Infrastructure operator 70
Local Authority 45
Supplier, sub-contractor 41
End-user 40
Investor & Financial services 34
Distributor, Wholesaler, Importer 32
Service provider (Hardware & Goods) 10
Total 2009
Profile views
Before event 6962
After event 1043
Total 8005